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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

sick girl

I called in sick today. Sick days in college were no big deal-no one cared, no one noticed. It was the same as my skip days. But now that I have a job, i'm reminded of my high school days. My sister reminded me of my mother because she came in my room when she woke up and said "maybe you should stay home." (Unfortunatley she's not here all day to make me chicken soup and cover me up with a blanket on the couch-but that's alright.) I always hated missing class-I'd have to make up the work which just stressed me out on the day i was supposed to be relaxing. I don't have to make up work now, i just have to figure out how to save up from not making today's pay. Oh well, I'll go back to watching tv and sleeping.


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