My apparenlty good enough for you to be reading about.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Todd emailed me worried about my last post so i suppose i should have written that it actually turned out to be one of the most hilarious stories ever.
After talking it over with all my roommates and friends, we didn't feel bad at all about what happened. So somebody is pulling some pranks in the neighborhood, but it's very obvious that the cops are friends with our neighbors and are just trying to scare us or make us angry. So even though Sami OWNS our house, the neighbor tattled on us to her parents. Like she can't handle herself.

Ironically enough, my roommates car got fucked with the next night. And i was woken up by some drunken people on my street and a car alarm. hmm.........

In other news, it's very interesting to be applying for jobs that i need a college degree for. It's nice going into an interview where people are happy to see that i attended IUP instead of it not mattering. But in bad news, salaries in Pittsburgh are ridiculously low.


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