My apparenlty good enough for you to be reading about.

Thursday, August 18, 2005


So this is what they're thinking...

I also found hilaroius do's and don'ts on the page and enjoyed the following:
Out: Atkins nonsense
In: Actually exercising to lose weight
Footnote: Spit out your porterhouse, you fat lazy slob. There ain'ts no gains if there ain't no pain. Truer words have never been spoken

Out: iPods
In: Humming
Footnote: iPods are dope, but so passé. The hippest cats are back to humming.

Out: Above-ground Pools
In: In-ground Pools
Footnote: Unless you're white trash of course and then above-grounders are perfectly acceptable. Oooh, that'll piss some people off.


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