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Thursday, September 22, 2005

"I can't find my charm!!!"

After a glorious night of hip-hop/screen dancing for the celebration of my friend, Kate's, birth, we were on our way home. Then, as Hilary might say, "only in Baltimore:"
After accidentally cutting off a car, we are driven home and find that the cut off car had followed us to yell and complain. Kate apologizes, but the 15 year old mom-to-be thought it necessary to get out of the car and the two exchanged some words/started to brawl. Then 15 year old baby daddy comes and punches Kate in the head. After all is settled, the girl looks for her dropped necklace...and then her charm. What could this charm be? A butterfly? A teddy bear with ABC blocks? Either way, homegirl never found her charm

At least she wasn't naked...

And it's true, no matter what situation or story, I always end with "and then I laughed."


Blogger Robert said...

little kate's lucky that babymama wasn't packin'.

11:38 AM


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