My apparenlty good enough for you to be reading about.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

"I'm not paid enough for that"

I almost caught myself saying "if she expects me to find all these duplicates-i won't" but i stopped myself. I get paid to work here-it's my job. I may not get paid as well as the real employees, get paid vacation, and I may have to sit and answer phones by myself for hours while everyone else attends the catered holiday party, but it's my job, and i will do what i'm told.
I was at JoAnn's the other night and completely annoyed at this employed woman, who in front of 10 customers, was complaining that her boss asked her to shove a cart full of boxes to the back. She yelled, "They don't pay me enough for that!" Well what, miss, do they pay you for? To stand around, cut material, and complain about life? To make it seem like your life is worth much more than the rest of us? Or how about when I go to the McDonalds to order a value meal, or even just a cone-it's such a chore and hassle for the workers to get my money and extend their arm out of the window to my car. What is so horrible about working? And if they hate it, why don't they quit and find something they like to do? The world is ruled by money, and money is earned by working, so to all those people-get over it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I miss you!

10:33 PM

Blogger Robert said...

welcome to baltimore, where all the customer service professionals are doing you a favor

10:02 AM

Blogger Ratface said...

jana! maybe you should rejoin myspace hobag. how's philly?

11:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you ever stop to consider better remunerative practices might undercut some of the poor service so endemic in an underpaid workforce?

1:12 PM


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