My apparenlty good enough for you to be reading about.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Sin City

I should be so excited to move. I should remember the days I wanted to be a vagabond and just party my guts out being content working a silly young job like Hot Topic. I should look forward to moving with two of my good friends. I should want to explore the possibilites of new careers. But all i can do is stress out about the situation...
I have a couple options but none seem to forecast the fun, adventurous, spontaneous thoughts i had imagined.
I could move in April, hoping the boys can switch over to a 3 bedroom apt for my benefit, but then Bethany would either have to crash on our couch for a month or she'd have to wait to move out until August.
I could move in May and crash for a month on a sofabed hoping Bethany moves out in June and searching for an apartment for the two of us-this option leaves me having to buy and provide furniture. This option possibly making me crash for 2 months if Bethany doesn't move until July. This option being-I can't inconvenience someone for 2 months.
I could stay at home...wait, this isn't an option.
I could sublet an apartment in Baltimore until July even though Hilary and Robert would be gone, leaving me with zero friends and hating my life. Wait, this isn't an option either.

So I need to get over that hump where I worry about my life and career-i'm only 22! I need to concentrate more on what just makes me happy. Hopefully living in party city central will accomplish that


Blogger Robert said...

just don't become a hooker. i've seen showgirls. i know what happens out there.

9:28 AM

Blogger Hilary said...

welcome to adult life.

12:51 PM

Blogger emerson said...

You have your entire 20s to figure what you want to be when you grow up.

2:24 PM


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