My apparenlty good enough for you to be reading about.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Invite Christ in your life

I'm hanging out, sitting on a mechanics garage floor while Mike is changing my oil and fixing my brakes. I'm spending my time reading "Please Kill Me"-an uncensored version of the beginning of punk rock. It has a bunch of junkies on the cover also. This dude walks up to me and says "I see you like to read." The first thing i'm thinking is-what do i have? a library of like 30 books i'm going through? Just because i'm passing the time with this one doesn't mean it's my biggest passion in life. But i say "Ya, sure"
So he hands me a book about as thick as Crime and Punishment and says..."Well here's a book for you. Just keep it!"
I turn it over and the description says something like 'The best account of Christ's Life.'
So, i get to keep this book that i'm never going to read.

BTDubs, i hate only having something to blog about every 3 or 4 days that aren't even funny. I need to be back in an office getting calls from crackheads wanting to sue the state for having to pay child support.


Blogger Robert said...

EW. yeah, there are always people outside the train in astoria (the same guy actually) who tries to hand you crazy xtian pamphlets and then literally gets mad when you don't take them.


9:51 AM

Blogger Hilary said...


now THAT's funny.

And, Robert, I've said it before and I'll say it again- the use of "ew" here doesn't work. I only reserve "ew" for gross things. Maybe "Ugh" or "Whatever", but not "ew". Then again, you say "ew" more than anyone ever.

1:53 PM


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