My apparenlty good enough for you to be reading about.

Friday, July 28, 2006

I'm Moving!

Todd, Mike, Chad, and I finally have the keys (pink leopard print keys thanks to Todd) for our new house today! That's right...I get my own room, my own bed, and I'm actually going to start chipping in. Mike and Todd have been the most generous people I've ever met in my life letting me crash with them, having sleepovers, and just being awesome.
I love moving-it's excited to unpack, arrange my things, plan how my room will look. And i'm quite excited that i've got a big enough closet to actually put all of my clothing. Everyone's told me that we're living kind of in the ghetto, but with the cheapest grocery store in the world and the indoor swap meet right around the corner-well, i guess that does mean it's the ghetto-i'm still excited!
Pictures to follow. Especially of our housewarming/my late birthday/beer pong extravaganza party.


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