My apparenlty good enough for you to be reading about.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Part Deux

I don't think I've ever hated Valentine's Day. When I was single, when I wasn't, when a valentine is 7 hours away...I just love the day no matter what. It's a reason to wear pink and red, feel okay about eating chocolate, and spread your love around to everybody. I know I'm sounding real cheesy right about now, but I love getting a funny card, some chocolates, maybe some holiday socks from my mom. Maybe a funny card about stinky farts from one of my siblings. Apparenlty lots of Myspace picture comments. I don't know if it's the reason for the season, but my ex and i started talking, an old "flame" randomly messaged me after 4 or so years, Rick tells me he won't be a dick and ditch me but will come and sing at karaoke, and who knows what else will happen before the end of the night (especially with a 2-4-1 drink special). So even if all the single people out there think it's a reason to hate life, I love it. A
lright, enough w/ the cheese. Did somebody cut some around here? Did a spider bark?


Blogger Hilary said...


3:57 PM


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