My apparenlty good enough for you to be reading about.

Monday, April 03, 2006

The car is packed

I've packed for college before, well...3 of my family cars have packed for college. Living in Baltimore allowed me to go back to exchange summer/winter wardrobes. I now had to pack everything i own and want to continue owning all in my little Sentra. Thanks to my sweet organized packing skills, i fit a lot. But not all that i wanted to :(
Let's just say my mom was pretty pissed that i insisted on bringing 2 suitcases of clothes, 2 garment bags of clothes, 2 duffle bags of shoes, and drawers and bags of fabric. She thinks i didn't need all that. But i decided i needed a little more than my diploma, college books, and lamps.


Blogger emerson said...

Be sure to pee before you leave the house!

10:37 AM


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