My apparenlty good enough for you to be reading about.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Dating Game II

Maybe it's the superficiality of Las Vegas, but I did forget to mention my favorite question of the night during a recent date.
"Why aren't you wearing a dress? I thought you'd be wearing a dress"
My response: "Well, I thought this looked fine. ummm..."
"We should go somewhere nicer next time. Then you could wear a dress."

I also called a "friend" to ask for his help in going clubbing this weekend.
"Well, what are you wearing?"
Me: "Who cares? I'm stylish, aka rediculous."
"I care. What are you wearing."

And my sister just reminded me of this glory that I'm not sure I mentioned before. I went over to a boy's house to watch a movie. Just the two of us. And at the end of the night I mentioned that we were both getting a bit tired, should we go to sleep?
He says: "You can take my bed, I'll sleep on the couch."

Oh well, maybe they'd have ed that night anyway. Or cry in front of me. Or said something else insulting.


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