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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Butt Hurt: Hilary's Favorite Term

I was just reading this article on people's perceptions between men crying and women crying. I really have no blog entry about it, but just to say i wish i didn't get so 'butt hurt' about everything.
For those of you on the east coast (because i've found this is only a west coast saying), that means you get upset and are overly sensitive about everything. Like when my boss asked 'why haven't you sold much at work?' or when my friend tells me that i'm being an annoying drunk.
I remember when i almost got in a car accident, when i broke the bari sax i borrowed, or when i was complaining about my friend-i'd talk to my mom about it all. I'd just cry and cry when she yelled at me for it all and i always wished i would change and not be such a crybaby.

But that is what i am and will always be. A butt hurt crybaby. Oh well!


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